
Animation Worksheep 13

- autumn 2019 -

The thirteenth Animation Worksheep meant a new challenge for us: we started building a fantastical world, an alternate history of Romania that pivots on the Călușari and other supernatural creatures from Romanian folklore, manifesting during Ceaușescu’s dictatorship.

What resulted was an ample first step in worldbuilding, illustrated by an animated interactive comic book, which we also edited into a trailer (available below) and an AR app that brings to life the printed version of the comic we worked on during this edition.

The ambition of this project doesn’t end here, though. We want to grow the world and story of the Călușari during the following editions of Animation Worksheep, enriching this fantastical universe with more and more stories.

The second project we stated during Worksheep the 13th was an animated film for our friends at MagiCamp, that will be made available online shortly. Meanwhile, you can go to their page here for more info about the extraordinary things they are doing.


Dan Panaitescu

Radu C. Pop

Ion Aramă

Vlad Ilicevici